

Girls on the Run is a transformational physical activity based positive youth development program for girls in 3rd-8th grade. We teach life skills through dynamic interactive lessons and running games. The program culminates with the girls being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5k running event. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing a lifetime appreciation of health and fitness.DSC_0564

Girls on the Run is an Independent Council of Girls on the Run International, which has a network of over 200 councils across the United States and Canada.

Our dynamic curriculum creatively integrates running games and workouts with lessons that help girls celebrate their strengths, build healthy relationships, and connect with the community. Girls are given the tools to make positive decisions when faced with life’s challenges. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing an appreciation of health and fitness.

The program is offered at partner schools throughout Dauphin, Cumberland, and Perry Counties. Each 10-12 week season, held in the spring and fall, culminates with a celebratory 5K running event.


Announcing our Spring 2015 Teams!

Girls on the Run Capital Area will serve 56 teams at 51 participating schools in the Spring 2015 season. For the full list of teams, please visit the Register a Girl page. Participant registration will open on February 2nd!

Spring 2015 Team registration is open until January 15, 2015, or until 50 teams are registered!

If you are interested in hosting a site in the Spring 2015 season, please contact Angela Wagner or Bryanna Boone at 717-763-4879. For additional information, visit the Host a Team page.

Participant registration for the Fall 2014 season opens August 1!

Teams are limited to 15 girls. Participants will be selected using a lottery system. Click here to see our list of participating schools and to register your daughter or loved one.

Team registration for the Fall 2014 season is now closed.

Didn’t have a chance to get your school involved this fall? Check back in January for Spring 2015 team registration. For more info, visit our “Host a Team” page.

Capital Area Girls on the Run on the Radio!

A recent interview with CAGOTR staff was featured on 8 regional radio stations including BOB 94.9, KISS 99.3, and The Ticket 1460 AM. Listen to the podcast!